About us

About us


Holistic Bodywork and Rehab Clinic is run by Dr. Mikael Dahlstrom.

Mike has been treating patients/clients for more than 28 years with various disorders, ranging from sports injuries to infertility and PTSD...

In addition to treating patients, Mike has also founded his own branch of treatment;
We combine the best of Western and Eastern medicine and philosophy, or, a combination of Chiropractic and Kinesiology.

Vad säger andra?  / What do others say about us or QINOpractic Medicine.?

Jag sökte Micke för mina besvär med återkommande ryggskott.
Micke testade alla musklerna kring ryggen och "rumpan". Alla var svaga, detta var inte roligt (jag har tränat styrke i mer än 10 år)....
Micke förklarade att Agda 65 med rullator var starkare än jag...... Kul.
Vad han gjorde sen, det kommer jag aldrig att förstå, men redan efter den första behandlingen var ryggbesvären som bortblåsta.
Jag har nu gått till Micke "trollkar" 3 gånger och inte haft ont i ryggen sen dess och det har gått 3 månader, magiskt.
Dessutom har jag ökat marklyftet med 20 kg.
Tack för det... Tack Micke.

Matte Karlsson, Stockholm

After suffering severe neck and back pain after being knocked unconscious by a car reversing into me as I was walking in a car park. Paul has worked his magic using various methods from QINOpractic Medicine, Emotional Neuro Calibration Release, Neuro linguistic programming and acupuncture of healing to reduce the pain to a very low level, most days now being pain free.
Also, Paul worked a miracle on my very painful ankle using a method called lymphatic drainage. I would recommend this treatment, my ankle is the best it has been for years. I would recommend Paul very highly to anyone in need of pain relief both mentally and physically'. Sandra

With the knowledge and skills I acquired through my education in QINOpractic I am now a very happy and satisfied therapist.
I have awesome tools to “really” treat my clients, not just alleviating the symptoms momentarily.
It gives me enormous satisfaction in my profession. I have also come to new insights about myself and I am constantly growing as a person and therapist.
Many thanks to Mikael Dahlström you for giving me and many others this opportunity through your training.
Cecilia Lindqvist, Ystad. www.mildamakter.com

It seems that the spirit of QINOpractice is spreading. Brilliant! I recommend to embark on the philosophy.

I promise: once you tasted from it you don't want to do anything else. I started to work with it more than a year ago and I'm still fascinated and the results are awesome.

Just completed module 2 and I have to say, this is a brilliant course. The value for money, content and skill set is a brilliant complement to the tool box. I'm already integrating it into the treatment and seeing significant improvements. Thoroughly recommend to those existing therapists out there who want to be more active in initiating the systems of the body that we rely on to get the body to repair itself.
Mike Dahlstrom is a genuinely wonderful man and teacher. I can't fault him or his process.
Andy Grell Stuttgart, Germany

"Had an awesome 4 days on the QINOpractic workshop with Mike Dahlstrom, highly recommended and cannot wait for module 2!!"
Richard Johnson, Founder of Active Health Group and Sports Therapy Organization

Richard unfortunately missed the Module 2. His thought about missing this Module:

"Been chatting to Christian and Dawn tonight and they have told me how awesome it is! I was upset to miss it but now i'm even more gutted!
I wish they hadn't have told me now!" Richard. 

Improves Chronic-

and/or Arthritic Pain

Improves your body's healing and Recovery time

Peak Performance
Helps your body and brain funcion on an optimal level

Helps Reduce

Headaches & Low back pain